
A Roguelike Platformer Game


3D Graphics game engine written in C++ with OpenGL

Super Whiplash

Online multiplayer vehicular combat game inspired by Twisted Metal. Implemented an entirely new vehicle physics system with framerate independent physics.

Project Machina

3D game prototype made in OpenGL and Java inspired by 90's FPS games.

first hello

NwHacks 2020 - won Google's Best Use of Google Cloud prize. A social networking app which uses facial recognition instead of a username or handle. Find out the names, interests, and pronouns of people you meet by simply scanning their face!

Raycasting Renderer

Demonstration of a graphics rendering technique called Raycasting. Similar to John Carmack's raycasting in Wolfenstein 3D.

Bambuu Level Editor

Tilemap Editor. Easily create tilemaps/levels for platformers, top-down shooters, etc.

Settlers of the Rapture

Unfinished roguelike game that uses Perlin noise to procedurally generate the world. Inspired by Dwarf Fortress and Cataclysm: DDA.